Saturday, May 17, 2014

Quiz #27: EKGs on the day of surgery

6 yr old boy, s/p Repair of subaortic membrane. Two EKGs with time of recording are given - both were recorded on the day of surgery. Second EKG was performed because bedside nurse noted a change in EKG trace on the monitor. Patient is sleeping without any complaints.

1) Describe the most significant change between the two EKGs.
2) What are the possible reasons for change?
3) How would you proceed further?

Click on the image to enlarge.

EKG 1: Recorded at 12:44 Hrs

EKG 2: Recorded at 22:44 Hrs. 

1 comment:

  1. ST-T elevation Pericarditis? T wave up abnormal for age, possible strain LVH, T wave V45 flipped ecg 1 then up ecg 2, Q waves noted.


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