Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quiz #20: Cardiac Catheterization

PA and Lateral frames of venous and arterial catheters are given below.

Question 1: Trace the course of venous catheter. What diagnosis does this catheter-course lead you to?

Question 2: Trace the course of the arterial catheter. What side is the aortic arch? (Beware, this question is a trick question).

Click on the image to enlarge.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Quiz #19: Echocardiogram - Aortic arch view

This is a suprasternal notch view of the aortic arch from a newborn baby.
Question 1: What is abnormal in Panel 1?
Question 2: Based on Panel 1 image, what vascular anomaly should be looked for?

Clue 1: Baby in Panel 1 has Tetralogy of Fallot with right aortic arch.
Clue 2: Panel 2 is the same view of aortic arch from a normal baby.

Link to the answer

(Click on the image to enlarge)